
Obituaries Australia

If you are into genealogy like me, a site like Obituaries Australia could be a great help. It is even a great site for those who may from time to time need to find out information about a deceased relative or friend. Obituaries Australia is an online database of obituaries published in various print media and is searchable in a variety of ways.

For more, visit:


Worldwide Earthquake Global Report

Today’s link is to a site that provides a visual report of earthquakes around the world. There is a map on the front page that shows where earthquakes have occurred around the world, with colour codes providing an insight into the severity of the quakes and also information is provided on the quakes themselves.

Fore more, visit:


Today I’m posting a link to another web application (of sorts), this one called Wordnik. Wordnik is a place about words. At Wordnik you can discover meanings of words, spell checks, pronunication assistance and comments can be made on words. You can also get a daily email with a word and definition – a good way to expand your vocabulary. There is a wealth of information available when a word is searched or looked up on Wordnik.

Have a look at:


Ever wonder if someone got your email? Perhaps you sent out some important information and need to be sure the recipient received it – how to be sure? SpyPig is an email tracking service that is free to use. Check out SpyPig at: – Free, but Not Really

I haven’t posted for a few days on this Blog. Reason? I have been busy deactivating social networks and deleting information I have stored on the platform. I have also been advising members in these communities to do the same.

I was once an advocate for, despite the many problems that existed there, sure that the service was improving and there was great potential in the platform. Now I feel that I have been betrayed by a platform I defended and pushed. Why do I feel this? The service has decided to go premium – though there is a free option also. However, the free option removes the privacy and moderation that owners of communities were assured of. You can just imagine what will happen with spam and privacy under these circumstances. Added to that, the platform is plagued with performance issues and seemingly full of bugs (at least that has been my experience and that of many others in the support forums).

I will not be supporting and longer and withdraw all of my endorsements of their product. As someone in the support forum said, they don’t mind paying for a service that works. Neither do I, but there is also the issue of the bad taste left in my mouth as a result of the way has ‘betrayed’ their loyal members and users.

BirdLife International

This link is to a site that seeks to protect birds in the wild, with their habitats and other associated causes. It is an international partnership of organisations that provides valuable information on the conservation of birds and their habitats. I recommend it to anyone interested in birds and the environment.

Jessica Watson’s Blog

Jessica Watson is heading for home in her solo sailing navigation of the world – the youngest ever. She is currently below the Australian mainland and closing on Tasmania. All the news and information on Jessica can be found below, at her Blog:

On Leave: Day Eight


This photo is taken from the final day of my road trip around NSW – for more information and photos visit: