
PDFse – Ebook search

If you are looking for a book and want to see if there is an ebook version, you should probably try PDFse, which is a search engine for ebooks. These days you can read ebooks on a reader or on a laptop with pretty much the same convenience as that of a normal book. That’s my view anyhow.

Have a look at:


Digg has been in the news a bit over recent months, with stories of its demise and failure to stay relevant. Personally I think such talk is premature, though certainly it did fail to listen to its members and its membership dropped as a consequence. This has all changed now and the site has again been overhauled, more in keeping with the wishes of its users.

Digg is a social network where members ‘Digg’ news stories that appeal to them as they surf the web. This can be done by posting the link of the story on the Digg site, in browser extensions/plug ins, etc. Digg is a very user interactive site, where the users likes/dislikes help to promote stories or bury them. If you are a website owner, you can integrate Digg into your site with various widgets and buttons. In short, Digg allows the users to share web content with friends and others within the Digg community.

You can also use Digg to explore news articles and content, simply by visiting the site and looking at the current listings.

Visit Digg at:


Friendshuffle is somewhat like StumbleUpon, except Friendshuffle is for following what your friends on Facebook or Twitter have been looking at via their links and likes. It allows you to share in the web surfing activities of your friends, via what they post on either Facebook and/or Twitter. Whereas StumbleUpon learns what you like by what you click on as being liked, FriendShuffle merely adds what you like to your profile, so that you can share it with further friends.

Friendshuffle can be a fun way of entering into what your friends are discovering on the web and then sharing that with others. It is also an easy tool to use. You simply log in with your Twitter/Facebook accounts and you can then start shuffling through what your friends have been looking at.

For more visit FriendShuffle at:

Quotista: Sharing Quotes Social Network

I am looking for a web application that will allow me to store quotations online, that will allow me to search the database, allow me to share quotes, etc. I haven’t really been able to find the application that is just what I’m looking for, but Quotista seems to be the closest to what I’m looking for. I have joined the Quotista network and will begin experimenting with it. It certainly has a lot of potential and is still only in beta development, so I’m sure it will continue to improve. It is already a pretty good site.


Blogging Platforms

Today’s link is to a Blog post on Blogging platforms. This list of Blogging platforms is well over 100 in length. Some perhaps are not what one would consider when looking for a Blogging platform on which to establish a Blog – such as Facebook, Bebo and even Twitter. But the best choices are there including WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and Posterous. Have a look and choose well.


Free Twitter Designer: Design Your Own Twitter Background

If you’re not happy with your twitter background you can make your own. An easy way to do this is to use freetwitterdesigner.com and upload your own photos, make your own text, etc. It is quite easy to use, but I would suggest you have your twitter profile open in another tab/window when you upload your background as you may need to tweak the background a bit to get looking just right – so don’t delete your work until such time as you are happy with the background as it appears on your profile.



See mine at:


Looking Down the Barrel


Today’s photo was taken at Fort Scratchley in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

The photo is taken while looking down the barrel of a cannon at the entrance to the historic fort.

A Ning Alternative

With Ning ending free social networks to focus entirely on paid accounts, many are looking for alternatives. Jabbster is a possibility. Check out the Jabbster site at:


Ning Free No More

Ning, the site that allows you to create your own social network, is going to discontinue its ‘free’ service and only have paying clients. I used to use Ning but changed to the Grou.ps platform about a year ago. I believe I made the right decision when I did so and now I really feel I made the right decision back then.

If you would like to visit Ning, click on the link below. However, I have a feeling that many social networks will be fleeing Ning and looking for alternatives.
