
App: Lift

The link below is to an article that takes a look at the app ‘Lift.’ This is an app that I use and it is a very easy one to use and it can be quite helpful I think. What is it for? It’s an app that is used to establish good habits and practices.

For more visit:

Website: Instructables

The link below is to a site that may be very helpful for a whole number of reasons. This site provides ‘instructables’ or tutorials on a wide range of topics, whether your interest be a craft, technology, writing project, cooking, etc. You can find all manner of valuable tutorial content here.

Membership can be either free or premium. Premium membership is very reasonable and provides access to far more benefits.

For more visit:

Books and Cataloguing

I once had all of my books catalogued and organised. I guess the ones I had up to that point still are – but now, with ebooks and other traditional book additions to my library, the number of books/ebooks I own has probably doubled at least. I should have continued to catalogue and organise them as I added to the library, but alas I did not. I have been working away at doing it now, on and off, for a little bit in recent months. I’ll get there eventually, but it takes a bit of time.

I use Goodreads online for cataloguing and a database on my computer for offline cataloguing. Both have their purpose, and one acts as a back up of the other. If I can get this done, it will be very helpful in using the library for research and study purposes, and also save a lot of time in the long run. is a social network where members can list, count and share their life experiences. It seems a little odd perhaps to make lists of your experiences – what you’ve done, when you’ve done it, where you’ve been and what you’ve achieved – but it may be a useful way to remember your life to some degree. When you add locations on a map, add photos and comments, add the names of people who shared your experiences, the lists you form begin to take on even more meaning. So perhaps could be a helpful and useful way to remember your life. has only just begun and I have only just signed up, so time will tell as to how useful a site it is. I’ll give it a try anyhow.

Newcastle Cathedral


Being a Protestant and a Particular Baptist, I don’t go much for the building as far as it being essential for worship. Don’t get me wrong, having a dedicated building to meet in is very helpful and useful, but if you are to have a building it needs to lend itself for the purpose, being completely functional as such and efficient in terms of the funding for it (it is far more profitable to use what money you have in carrying out the mission, than building a facade of religion).

Having said all that, the building in this picture is certainly an impressive one. It is a grand old building (as far as ‘old’ goes in relatively young Australia), rich in history, as it contains many historical items of interest.

The building pictured is that of the Newcastle Cathedral (Church of England). As grand as it looks, it is hardly the bastion of Evangelical Protestantism that one would have hoped for. Any true semblance of Evangelical Christianity that it may have borne witness to has long gone from its walls.