

Digg has been in the news a bit over recent months, with stories of its demise and failure to stay relevant. Personally I think such talk is premature, though certainly it did fail to listen to its members and its membership dropped as a consequence. This has all changed now and the site has again been overhauled, more in keeping with the wishes of its users.

Digg is a social network where members ‘Digg’ news stories that appeal to them as they surf the web. This can be done by posting the link of the story on the Digg site, in browser extensions/plug ins, etc. Digg is a very user interactive site, where the users likes/dislikes help to promote stories or bury them. If you are a website owner, you can integrate Digg into your site with various widgets and buttons. In short, Digg allows the users to share web content with friends and others within the Digg community.

You can also use Digg to explore news articles and content, simply by visiting the site and looking at the current listings.

Visit Digg at:


StumbleUpon is a social network for web surfing and sharing webpages and sites that you particularly like and find useful. You can easily surf the web by ‘stumbling’ along – that is, by clicking the stumble button on the toolbar that you can install, allowing you to visit random sites in the categories you choose to explore. As you visit sites, you can like/dislike them, allowing StumbleUpon to learn your likes and dislikes as you surf the web via StumbleUpon.

Being a social network, StumbleUpon allows you to share the sites you visit with friends and others within the StumbleUpon community. Of course, StumbleUpon can be used as a bookmarking type of site, by adding the sites you like to StumbleUpon in a similar way to that of adding favorites/bookmarks to Delicious or your browsers favorites/bookmarks. It’s up to you.

I tend to use StumbleUpon as a surfing tool and haven’t really added a lot to my favorites (I generally forget to do that). For this purpose I have adjusted the settings within StumbleUpon to reflect the topics I like to explore while surfing the web. So it isn’t such a sharing tool for me, as a recommendation tool for the various categories I have checked.

See more at:

Gloucester River Falls: Gloucester Tops – Barrington Tops National Park

Gloucester River FallsThis photo was taken at Gloucester River Falls in the Gloucester Tops, which is part of Barrington Tops National Park in New South Wales, Australia. I visited here recently while on my ‘Waterfalls Tour 2010’ holiday.

The Gloucester River Falls walk takes about 30 minutes to complete and is a fairly easy circuit walk. The walk can take a lot longer if you explore the area surrounding the falls. On this trip I didn’t do that due to the rain, slippery conditions and swollen river.

The walk also passes the Andrew Laurie Lookout, which features great views over the Barrington Tops wilderness.