

HappyRambles is something between a Blog and a personal diary. It is a way of remembering the blessings you receive and/or what you are thankful for each day.

When you are registered and set up, the application will email you each day with a reminder to log in what you are grateful for on that day. You simply reply to the email with 3 to 5 items and your Blog/diary is updated. The daily email also reminds you of what you were thankful for on a previous random day.

You are also able to share entries with others by simply emailing them a copy of your day, right from the entry.

Visit at:

NSW Road Trip 2010: Website

It won’t be long and I’ll be heading off on my latest holiday – the first for several years actually. I’ll be off on a road trip around New South Wales, Australia. In total, I’ll be covering around 4000km in nine days of driving.

I’ll be covering the road trip on my kevinswilderness.com website, where you will be able to follow my progress on a Google Map that has my planned itinerary on it. There will be plenty of updates on the website – including Blog entries, photos, maybe a video or two, travel journal, etc.

Visit the website at:
