
From My Armchair: 4 August 2012

At the BookShelf

I am into my last days of annual leave, so it is doubtful I’ll be able to read anywhere near as much as I have this last week. I’ll probably have the Kindle out at lunch for a bit, so I’ll still be getting some reading in even while I’m at work. The Kindle has certainly made it a lot easier to have good reading material available no matter where I am. Loving the Kindle.


Social Networks, Web Applications & Other Tools

Not a lot has happened with the social networks in the book/reading niche over this last week, except that I have been updating Goodreads on a regular basis as to what I am reading, progress and cataloguing the books as I go.

I did do a quick addition to Quotista, which has a lot of potential but doesn’t appear to be being developed any further, which is…

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Disposable Email Addresses

I have been dealing with links to various email tools over the last couple of days. Today’s link is to an article that deals with 10 of the best disposable email services on the web.

Blogging: A WordPress Alternative

I love WordPress and doubt very much that I would ever use any other platform or site. I also love Google and the many tools they offer freely in so many areas of online life and computing. As you would expect, Google also has a Blogging platform that is free to use and hosted for free.

Check out Google’s Blogger at: