

It has now been a month since New Year’s Day and perhaps a bit under a month since the New Year’s Resolutions that many sought to undertake fell by the way-side. Now is perhaps the time to have another look at those resolutions (and perhaps others we have thought about and done little with) and plan to do something about them. This is where 101in365 comes in. 101in365 is a web application/social network that provides a tool to assist tn meeting goals – 101 of them in fact, in 365 days.

The first thing you need to do (after registering of course) is come up with a list of 101 things you would like to achieve in a year (365 days). You enter these into your listing of 101 aims/goals. Once this is done you can lock your list in and begin the work required to bring them to past. You are able to update your list by marking each item as in progress and then to mark off each item as it is achieved.

With 101in365, you are able to keep your list of goals private or you can share them with the wider 101in365 community and/or your friends and family. It’s up to you. You are also able to interact with others via both Twitter and Facebbok if you like.

The tool itself is rather simple to you and before you know it you can have it all up and running. It is somewhat more difficult to actually achieve the goals you set yourself. At least this tool is a welcome way to assist in reaching your goals and is certainly able to be used as a means of encouragement and stimulus.

Visit 101in365 at:

New Years Resolutions

At this time of the year many people like to try and do something positive via a New Year’s Resolution or the like – perhaps more than one. So for today’s ‘one’ I have a link to offer. This is to a site called

This site is another take on social networking, this time offering the opportunity to share your desire to achieve something and to work out the means to do so. There is of course the opportunity to interact with others and to gain support as you seek to do so, as well as sharing ways of achieving your goal.

Worth a look at: